The Storyteller
Notes for Schools and Kindergartens
Please follow this link to an excellent article regarding the importance of Arts
for young people in schools:
Capturing emotions and imagination through live theatre
Education Gazette | Tukutuku Kōrero,
For Schools
Roger is able to pick stories that will actively engage your target audience and age group. The solo performer, aided only with their voice and some musical instruments, is deceptively simple at first. And yet, after 45 minutes of storytelling, the audience have been transported on a journey to another time and place . . .
Cost to Schools
$4 per child (minimum charge $200 per visit)
For Kindergartens
Roger has a selection of charming stories for 3 to 6 year olds full of colourful characters, humour, drama, props and interactive percussion and songs. These stories contain themes that small children naturally engage with such as kindness, compassion, courage and friendship.
Cost to Kindergartens
$200 per visit